News at Faith

The DO’s and DON’Ts of Snake Bite Treatment

The DO’s and DON’Ts of Snake Bite Treatment

Anyone who has lived in the rural Texas areas for even one season, should be well aware of snake bite risks. They are out there and they bite without any warning. Surviving a venomous snake bite means knowing the signs and symptoms of a bite, being able to call for...

Preventing Tragedy: Never Leave Children in Hot Cars

Preventing Tragedy: Never Leave Children in Hot Cars

The National Safety Council reports more than 30 children under the age of 15 die after being left in a hot vehicle in the United States each year. Every time we hear about one of these tragic incidents, we wonder, “How could that possibly have happened?” It’s almost...

Get the Facts about Medicare ‘Dis’ Advantage

Get the Facts about Medicare ‘Dis’ Advantage

We are sure you’ve heard the old saying, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” Unfortunately, when it comes to selecting a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan over a traditional Medicare plan, this cliche might as well be the headline. From everything you’ve...

Infant Swim Rescue Lessons at the Swan Family Wellness Center

Infant Swim Rescue Lessons at the Swan Family Wellness Center

Swimming lessons for young children are crucial for several reasons—they help to instill a sense of safety while also banishing fear of the water, they help to improve physical development and they offer a chance for kids to socialize in a new setting. At the same...

On the Road Again? Safety First! Check Car Seats Before Heading Out

On the Road Again? Safety First! Check Car Seats Before Heading Out

Who doesn’t love a road trip? Many choose summer to get out there and explore and, if this is you and your family, have a great time! Just remember, safety is the most important thing when it comes to traveling – even more important than having fun. If someone gets...

When It Comes to Snakes, Stay Aware to Stay Alive

When It Comes to Snakes, Stay Aware to Stay Alive

Snakes are a significant concern in the summertime. The rural landscape provides a natural habitat for various snake species, including venomous ones like rattlesnakes, copperheads and cottonmouths. If you have lived in these parts for a long time, you know all about...

Families Who Play Together Stay Healthy – Together!

Families Who Play Together Stay Healthy – Together!

This Saturday, June 8, 2024, is Family Health & Fitness Day, according to the National Recreation & Park Association. While there are so many reasons families should do everything to spend time together having fun, learning and creating memories, Family Health...