News at Faith

Games Let You Have Fun while Keeping Your Skills Sharp

Games Let You Have Fun while Keeping Your Skills Sharp

It should come as no surprise that people play games because they are fun! In fact, research shows that 65 percent of adults in the United States say playing games gives them a way to socialize – and everyone loves to laugh with friends and family. The hidden truth is...

Walk Your Way to Fitness During ‘Move More Month’

Walk Your Way to Fitness During ‘Move More Month’

When given the choice to get out there and get moving, do you prefer to watch TV or read or do some other (somewhat) sedentary activity? You, my friend, might be what some might call  a “couch potato.” Quiet time is...

Finding Positive Ways to Manage Stress

Finding Positive Ways to Manage Stress

Stress is unavoidable. Period. Whether we’re juggling our family with our career, worrying about money, caring for sick or elderly parents or even taking care of our own health concerns, there are an infinite number of ways to become stressed out. Typically, we can...

Pregnant Women Get by with a Little Help from Clear Choice

Pregnant Women Get by with a Little Help from Clear Choice

Having a baby is an expensive proposition and Clear Choice Pregnancy Resource Center, working in conjunction with Faith Community Health System, offers a way to obtain essential information and items new parents need. Julie Hopkins, who has served as executive...

Maintaining Body Strength at Every Age

Maintaining Body Strength at Every Age

Remember the days when you could run around and not get winded? You had all the energy in the world and wondered why those older than you preferred relaxation to activity? Energy and body strength are gifts enjoyed by fit individuals who maintain a love of exercise,...

March – Colorectal Cancer Month – is a Great Time to Get Screened

March – Colorectal Cancer Month – is a Great Time to Get Screened

Nobody particularly wants to talk about cancer and, somehow, the topic of colorectal cancer (cancers affecting the colon and rectum) seem even more uncomfortable to discuss. However, it’s important for people ages 45 and older (according to the latest advice from the...

How Much Do You Know About Nutrition?

How Much Do You Know About Nutrition?

It’s likely you know there are recommended daily allowances of foods from various food groups. And, regardless of how good sweet treats taste, you know that fatty, sugary foods should be consumed in moderation. Since March is National Nutrition Month, we thought we...

Good Heart Health is Lifetime Wealth

Good Heart Health is Lifetime Wealth

February is National Heart Month! While we at Faith Community Health System want our patients to do everything possible to keep their hearts happy and healthy every month, we thought we would take a few minutes to point out specific ways you can take care of your...