News at Faith

Get the Facts about Medicare ‘Dis’ Advantage

Get the Facts about Medicare ‘Dis’ Advantage

We are sure you’ve heard the old saying, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” Unfortunately, when it comes to selecting a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan over a traditional Medicare plan, this cliche might as well be the headline. From everything you’ve...

When It Comes to Snakes, Stay Aware to Stay Alive

When It Comes to Snakes, Stay Aware to Stay Alive

Snakes are a significant concern in the summertime. The rural landscape provides a natural habitat for various snake species, including venomous ones like rattlesnakes, copperheads and cottonmouths. If you have lived in these parts for a long time, you know all about...

Families Who Play Together Stay Healthy – Together!

Families Who Play Together Stay Healthy – Together!

This Saturday, June 8, 2024, is Family Health & Fitness Day, according to the National Recreation & Park Association. While there are so many reasons families should do everything to spend time together having fun, learning and creating memories, Family Health...

Faith Celebrates Hospital Week with a Passion for Patients

Faith Celebrates Hospital Week with a Passion for Patients

Faith Celebrates Hospital Week with a Passion for Patients Hospital Week is a time to recognize and celebrate the incredible dedication and hard work of healthcare professionals. From doctors and nurses to support staff and administrators, every member of the hospital...

Celebrating Nurses Week & Their Dedication to the Faith Team

Celebrating Nurses Week & Their Dedication to the Faith Team

Nurses Week is an annual celebration dedicated to honoring and recognizing the invaluable contributions of nurses to healthcare and society as a whole. This week-long event typically takes place from May 6-12, ending on the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the...

Embrace the Sun Safely: May Marks Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Embrace the Sun Safely: May Marks Skin Cancer Awareness Month

When it comes to skin cancer, the sun doesn't discriminate based on age, gender or beliefs. Regardless of who you are, prolonged exposure to the sun's rays without adequate protection poses a real threat to your skin, increasing the risk of developing skin cancer....

Gardening is Good for You – In More Ways than One

Gardening is Good for You – In More Ways than One

When you think about gardening, you might focus on the fruits of your labor. Perhaps you are a flower lover and enjoy pruning your rose bush or lilac tree to bring the gorgeous blooms inside to adorn your table. Or, maybe you are a fruit and veggie fan. What’s better...