Jannie Gilbertson, BSN, RN, is excited about her January 2024 promotion to manager of Labor & Delivery at Faith Community Health System.

“I feel blessed and grateful to have the opportunity to lead our strong team as we grow and serve our communities,” Jannie said.

She joined FCHS after graduating from Midwestern State University Nursing School in Wichita Falls in 2018. Prior to her promotion, Jannie was a staff nurse in Faith’s L&D Department for more than five years.

Jannie said she chose to work in Labor & Delivery because she loves caring for families during their happiest times. “Labor and delivery is both rewarding and challenging,” she said. “To witness the birth of a baby is a miraculous and exciting moment, but as labor and delivery nurses we have to be prepared for those unexpected emergencies.” 

Further, Jannie said she has a passion for educating new moms which is second only to her sincere interest in elevating the level of care offered in Jacksboro. She has been around medical professionals who serve rural areas for many years.

“Healthcare is hard to come by in rural areas and it’s a big deal that Jacksboro has a thriving and growing L&D Department,” she said. 

Faith’s Labor & Delivery Department is staffed around-the-clock. “That’s a big deal in our economy. Moms in rural areas should have access to OB care without having to travel to find it.”

A longtime resident of Graham, Jannie has three children. She enjoys DIY crafting, reading and road trips with her family.

A big congratulations to Jannie on her new position at Faith!