It’s likely you know there are recommended daily allowances of foods from various food groups. And, regardless of how good sweet treats taste, you know that fatty, sugary foods should be consumed in moderation.

Since March is National Nutrition Month, we thought we would test your knowledge with a bit of True or False trivia, adapted from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Ready? Set? True or False?

  1. The majority of Americans consume enough dietary fiber.

False. Research indicates that many individuals fail to incorporate sufficient amounts of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts into their diets, which are primary sources of dietary fiber.

  1. Frozen fruits and vegetables can offer the same nutritional benefits as fresh produce.

True. Frozen fruits and vegetables are often frozen immediately after harvest, preserving essential nutrients. Opt for varieties without added sugars, sodium or saturated fats.

  1. Wheat bread is synonymous with whole grain bread.

False. Wheat bread does not equate to whole wheat bread. Look for “whole wheat,” “whole oats” or “whole grain” listed as primary or secondary ingredients on food labels.

  1. Fish and seafood are rich sources of vital nutrients.

Absolutely true. They provide essential nutrients such as immune-boosting proteins and zinc, iron for blood health and omega-3 fatty acids known for their anti-inflammatory properties.

  1. Nuts and seeds contribute to plant-based protein intake.

True! Nuts, seeds and their respective butters are categorized within the protein food group.

  1. Consuming three daily servings of dairy is recommended for older children and adults.

True. The general guideline for individuals aged 9 and above, including adults, is to consume three cups of dairy per day. You can eat or drink low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese or calcium-fortified soy milk or yogurt.

  1. Snacking between meals is detrimental to health.

Not necessarily true or false. The real answer here is “it depends.” Snacking on nutritious foods can help manage hunger between meals. The key lies in planning snacks in advance rather than waiting until hunger strikes.

  1. Fruits and vegetables play a crucial role in supporting immune health through their vitamin and mineral content.

True. Fruits and vegetables contain an array of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and C, which are essential for a robust immune system.

In addition to managing your own dietary intake, remember to schedule an annual physical every year with your family doctor at Faith Community Health System. Call  (940) 567-6633 or visit for more information or to make an appointment.